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The Yakutian Laika is a versatile working dog native to northeastern Russia. "For many centuries, the Laïka of Yakutia accompanied the Man of the North in his daily life by helping him to hunt, to protect his house, to guard the reindeer and to transport loads in the harsh conditions of the Great North."

Laykas are dogs of medium size and weight, on average, 20-25kg. Their hair is rather mid-long. There are white, tricolor (black, white, gray or beige), two-tone (black-white or brown-white, beige-white, ...) colors. The eyes can be brown, blue, or heterochromatic. They have pointy ears and a tail that goes up to the back. They are willful and very sociable dogs, which have a lot of energy. Their hunting dog passive makes them dogs with a pronounced predatory instinct. Make no mistake, despite his Border Collie airs due to his coloring, the Laïkas representatives are stockier and bony stature dogs, with much denser fur to withstand extreme temperatures.

We have three laikas in the pack. They are extremely close to the human and very friendly. Pamiuq will show her joy to meet you with a very demonstrative howl, then she will come to stick to you for non-stop caresses. Sköll will look at you intensely with his ice blue eyes, begging for taste buds. Kanut, full of energy will charm you with his extremely soft hair and his piercing blue eyes.

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